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东莞艺嘉包装印刷有限公司是一家大中型的港资企业,成立于1994年.我司拥用一批世界先进的印刷设备,同时亦配备了一批先进的后加工配套生产设备,主要经营:彩盒、纸箱、纸咭、吊牌、手挽袋、贴纸、布标等包装印刷产品。秉承“质量第一,服务至上,以人为本,精益求精”的经营理念,凭着坚实的质量基础,公司已于2005年通过了ISO9001:2008质量管理体系认证,赢得了广大客户的认同,成为多间国际知名企业的合格供应商,产品远销国内外。 “把握今天,展望未来”,公司将不遗余力地引进世界先进的印刷生产设备,加强产品的质量管理,保持与时俱进.薪资及福利制度:1.薪资:保底1550元/月,员工实行22天/8小时制,普工月工资达3500以上,每月25号准时出粮,如逢节假日则会提前发放;粘盒部手工组员工工作满半年后可获得300元的新人奖,享有100元/月全勤奖;2.晋升:只要你是优秀员工、工作能力及领导能力佳,依照规章制度转任或提升职务及工资。3.休假:按厂规规定依法享有法定节假日和有薪年假,并享有婚假,产假、丧假等假日;4.食宿:公司包食宿,每餐三菜一汤,南北风味均俱,不扣任何费用,每星期加餐二次,不定时派发水果,天气炎热会为员工免费提供冷饮/凉茶等;5.节假日举办精彩的文化娱乐活动,如水果拼盘大赛、中秋游园活动、拔河比赛、球类比赛、迎春晚会等;6.公司环境优美,拥有空调式厂房,内设篮球场,并计划起建大型康乐设施:包括图书馆、电脑室、乒乓球室、休闲区等。Dongguan YIJIA Package Printing CO., LTD, a HongKong-invested company, is a medium & large-sized printing enterprise. It was established in 1994 and located at Tangxia Town of Dongguan City with an area over 42,000m.We possess a series of the most advanced printing and after-printing equipment, and produce various kinds of color box, paperboard, album of paintings, product specification, paster, gift box and trademark made by cloth etc. All of our production are plant transfer and directly export to Asia, Europe, America and so on. We always rely on the management concept” Best Quality, Supreme Service and Reasonable Price” and insist on the guiding policy” Quality First, Human-oriented” to serve the extensive customers and won their support and trust(faith). Meanwhile, we have passed ISO9001:2000 quality management system and succeeded in providing goods for lots of well-know brands at home and abroad. Grasp today and look into(looking forward to) the future, our company will bend our efforts to bring in the most advanced printing equipment, promote quality management and progress with the times. Take the chance, all YIJIA staffs want to express our sincere appreciation to all customers and friends who have supported and helped us greatly all the time. We are willing to advance with extensive customers together for brilliant future. 请求职者通过智通人才网招聘系统应聘本公司的职位,或者通过本公司在智通人才网上留下的联系方式与本公司联系,本公司不会用手机或者小灵通的方式联系求职者,也不会在本公司所在地以外地点对求职者进行面试,请悉知。 公司环境